Sticky Fingers Ribhouse restaurant

Sticky Fingers Ribhouse restaurant

Sticky Fingers Ribhouse restaurant is opened in 1992.They are high school friends but they know about ribs, wings, and barbecue.They create authentic Memphis style barbecue by slow cooking on-site over aged hickory wood.Menu of the restaurent is categories is starters,salads,sandwiches and burger,ribs,hockey smoked wings,combos,blue plate special,lunch special,traditional side and treats.Some famous recipes of the restrudent is onion loaf,sticky potatos skins,side salad,pick a chick salad,barbecue sandwiches,buffalo chicken sandwich and many more.They own catering.It is divided in two three categories like full service catering,delivery service and parties and events.They have own store merchandise you purchase sticky merchandise.


4200 US-17, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582, USA


+1 843-663-7675.

Opening hrs:-

Wednesday: 11AM–9PM
Thursday: 11AM–9PM
Friday: 11AM–10PM
Saturday: 11AM–10PM
Sunday: 11AM–9PM
Monday: 11AM–9PM
Tuesday: 11AM–9PM.


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