Franklin Barbecue restaurant

Franklin Barbecue restaurant

Franklin Barbecue is open in 2009.It is located in Austin , Texas.Its owner is Aaron Franklin.Some famous menus is BRISKET,RIBS,PULLED PORK,SAUSAGE,CHOPPED BEEF,TIPSY TEXAN,POTATO SALAD,FOUNTAIN DRINKS,VINTAGE BIG RED,MEXICAN COKE,BOURBON BANANA,KEY LIME and LEMON CHESS.Its own shop thet sold merchandise DVD,T-shirt,heather red T-shir and Tank Top etc.they arranged big evenys are world fare live fire,buy one our picnic baskets and upcoming events are fun size event and BBQ Fraklin.


900 E. 11th, Austin, TX 78702.



Opening Days/hrs:-

CLOSED Mondays
OPEN: Tuesday – Sunday
Hours: 11am – sold out
LUNCH ONLY we usually close by 3pm.



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