Gates Bar-B-Q restaurant

Gates Bar-B-Q restaurant

Gates Bar-B-Q restaurant is established in 1946.It is situated in Kansas City.Over sixteen years of experince they perpetuated the growth of their sauce line all flovour are found in restaurant.They divde menus in category ENTREES,MEAT BY THE POUND,SANDWICHES,DESSERTS,SPECIALITY ITEMS and SIDES.Some famous recipes are Spanish Omelet With Gates Bar-B-Q Sauce,Gates Bar-B-Q Bells, Gates Chili, Vien's Baked Pork Chops, Dressing, and Sauerkraut , Broiled Orange Roughy with Rice.They sell different merchandise of restaurant like Browse their selection of logo appare,Shop for their Sauces Online,Gates' original spices and rubs for your home Bar-b-q and Give the gift of Gates to someone you love.They have own catering.


Barbecue Restaurant
Kansas City, MO, USA


+1 816-483-3880.

Opening Days/hrs:-

CLOSED Mondays
Open until 1:00 AM


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