Goodman Fielder Bakery

Goodman Fielder Bakery

Fielder Gillespie Ltd was formed following a merger with Gillespie Bros Holdings Ltd in 1978.The acquisition of Watties Industries Ltd (NZ) saw the name of the company changed to Goodman Fielder Wattie Ltd in 1987.Bakery products are divided in Bread,Grocry,Dairy and Poultry.The team of Goodman Fielder Bakery is ROBIN NICHOLSON Executive Director, First Pacific,GRAHAM PICKLES Managing Director – International, Goodman Fielder,KUOK KHOON HONG Chairman and Executive Officer, Wilmar,SCOTT WEITEMEYER Chief Executive Officer, Goodman Fielder.


Goodman Fielder Pty Limited Level 5,
40 Mount Street
North Sydney, NSW 2060


+61 2 8026 4200.


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