Schloss Schauenstein Restrudent

Schloss Schauenstein Restrudent

Schloss Schauenstein Restrudent is located Austria.It is situated in Domleschg valley, more precisely in the world’s smallest city called Fürstenau. The area offers, apart from natural beauty, a wide range of cultural and historical attractions.Its Rated with 3 Michelin Stars and 19 Gault & Millau points.In each menu price a donation of CHF 2.00 is included, which is contributed to our foundation Fundaziun Uccelin.Its guest room is many type like Wasser,Linde,Kastanie,Feuer,Erde and Luft


Schauenstein Schloss Restaurant Hotel
Schlossgass 77
CH-7414 Fürstenau.


+41 81 632 10 80



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