Guysavoy Restrudent

Guysavoy Restrudent

Guysavoy Restrudent is located in Paris France.Its owners is Guysavoy.He write books on restrudent is Vegetable Magic with Guy Langlois,Guy Savoy: Simple French Recipes for the Home Cook.Guy Savoy reserves one table for guests wishing to discover – or rediscover – the delights of a French gourmet restaurant, but who hesitate.From our full lunch menu, guests can choose a starter, a main dish and a dessert for the fixed price of € 110. Our sommelier will offer wines by the glass from € 10.This special is only on offer to web surfers. Please arrive by noon.Some flist of famous menus of restrudent is Hot and cold starters,Fish,Meat,poultry and offal and Desserts


The Paris restaurant Guy Savoy garnered three Michelin stars in 2002. The restaurant was ranked in the Restaurant Magazine Top 50 Restaurants in the world in 2004 and 2005.

Savoy received the Legion d’Honneur medal in 2000.


Monnaie de Paris
11, quai de Conti


+33 1 43 80 40 61


Opening hours

The Restaurant is open from Tuesday to Friday
and on Saturday evening. Lunch from 12 noon to 2 p.m
and dinner from 7 p.m to 10:30 p.m


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