THAIZONE Restaurant

THAIZONE Restaurant

THAIZONE Restaurant was founded in 2007.It has best ingredients and fresh products.Some of food things of restaurant is Fast delivery,Take out meals,Online orders ,Special price on group orders,Free WiFi access and more.They stop regularely at different festivals and other big events, or on a street near you. The Thaizone mobile can even stay in one place for a few weeks in several towns.they divided their menu in COMBOS,SOUPS,BOXES,YOUR MEAL,KIDS,DESSERTS andFAMILY COMBO.Some famous dishes is IMPERIAL ROLLS,PAD THAI,HONEY AND GARLIC STIR-FRY,FRIED RICE,FAMILY COMBO and many more.


1019 Avenue Cartier, Ville de Québec, QC G1R 2S3, Canada


+1 418-948-8424

Opening hours:-

Saturday: 11AM–11PM
Sunday: 11AM–10PM
Monday: 11AM–10PM
Tuesday: 11AM–10PM
Wednesday: 11AM–10PM
Thursday: 11AM–11PM
Friday: 11AM–11PM


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