Lafleur Restaurants

Lafleur Restaurants

Lafleur Restaurants was opened in 1951.Its owner is Denis Vinet.They spent previous 10 years selling hot dogs and french fries.Its meals is Trio Steamed,Trio Grilled,Trio Michigan,Trio Supreme,Trio steamed Hot dog & poutine,Trio Original with cheese,Trio Lafleur burger,Trio Smoke meat,Trio Tex-Mex and Trio Tex-Mex.Its poutine is The Classic,Hot peppers and sliced chicken,Smoked meat,Sausage,Sliced Pogos,Sliced chicken with bacon and onions,Bacon or Cabbage, Ground beef and fried onions and Ground beef, sausages and bacon.Some others famous dishes is Steamed Hot-dog,Original Hamburger,Fries,Pogo,Veggieburger and much more.


3970 Mont Royal, St-Hubert, J4T 2H5




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