Magpie Cafe restaurants

Magpie Cafe restaurants

Magpie Cafe restaurants was opened in May 1937.Its specialities include dishes that use prime fresh local fish, seafood and specially selected ingredients.Its team members are Ian Robson is "Chef Proprietor",Alison McKenzie Slater is "Proprietor",Paul Gildroy is "Head Chef",Duncan Robson is "Restaurant Manager",Louise Middlemas "Sous Chef",David Barsby "Takeaway Manager".Some famous recipes are cod,haddock,woof,plaice,lemon sole,skate,wing,monk,halibut,gurnard,hake,ling,mackeral,soup of the day,Fresh Orange Juice,Locally Smoked Salmon,Prawn Cocktail,Deep Fried Camembert,Deep Fried Goujons of Cod and many more.


14 Pier Road Whitby North Yorkshire
YO21 3PU


01947 602058

Opening hours:-

9am to 5pm every day.
On line 24/7


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