Fairmount Bagel Bakery

Fairmount Bagel Bakery

Fairmount Bagel Bakery was opened 1919."The Main". This is where Montrealers got their first taste of bagel, rolled by hand and baked in a wood-fired oven.They use fresh intergients.Its bagel is Sesame seed,Poppy seed,Plain,Caraway seed,Onion,Garlic,All-dressed,Mueslix,Flax seeds,Power Bagel,Whole wheat,Multi-grain,Blueberry,Chocolate,Cinnamon and raisin,Pumpernickel,New York Pretzels,Bozo,Sweet Bagel,Matzoh Bread and many more.


74 Fairmount West Montreal, QC H2T 2M2


(514) 272-0667


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