Hungry Jack's restaurant

Hungry Jack's restaurant

Hungry Jack's restaurant has operated in Australia since 1971.In the 1st 10 years they open twenty six srores in 3 states.Its food quality is best its made fresh food according yours order.They use better beef,grill masters,better coffee,better chips,better eggs and better nuggets.Some famous menus is Pancakes (with Butter & Syrup),Ham & Cheese Toastie ,Ham, Cheese & Tomato, Ultimate Double Whopper,Whopper,WhopperJnr Cheese,Veggie Whopper,Rodeo Cheeseburger,Triple Cheeseburger,Grill Masters Classic,Grill Masters Angus, Bacon & Cheese and so on.


Unit 16, Riverside Centre, 148 James Ruse Dr, Parramatta NSW 2150


+1300 852 326.


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